List of Victims

3371 Total entries

Vorname Name Geburtsdatum Todesdatum Todesort
Dina Altmann 15/10/1902 08/04/1945 Auschwitz
Edouard Altounian 30/05/1885 16/02/1945 Gefängnis Wuppertal-Bendahl
Artur Amberg 06/11/1872 14/06/1942 Wuppertal
Edmund Anderson 10/10/1916 30/05/1943 Wuppertal
R.M. Anderson - 29/05/1943 Abschuss
Gregori Andrejew 21/05/1919 23/02/1945 Wuppertal
Iwan Andrejewitsch 15/02/1925 08/06/1944 Wuppertal
Grigori Andruckow 25/05/1924 16/06/1945 Wuppertal
Afanasia Andruschenko 25/05/1910 09/05/1945 Wuppertal
Tatjana Andruschewitsch 01/01/1889 22/05/1944 Durchgangslager Giebel
Franz Andschejak 03/12/1922 18/08/1943 Wuppertal
Ernst Anschel 24/07/1882 29/03/1942 Ghetto Łódź
Wawara Antipewa - 26/03/1945 Wuppertal
Anton Antosiak 18/01/1909 30/05/1943 Wuppertal
Adam Antozak 22/02/1924 30/01/1943 Wuppertal
Henny Apfel 19/03/1880 09/05/1942 Kulmhof/Chelmno
Jeanette Apolant 24/08/1863 22/11/1942 Theresienstadt
David Appel 20/02/1876 08/05/1945 Auschwitz
Margarethe Appel 15/08/1891 08/05/1945 Auschwitz
Alex Apugin 18/12/1913 28/11/1943 Wuppertal
Selma Archenhold 06/11/1889 01/09/1942 Kulmhof/Chelmno
Edith Archenhold 15/01/1920 08/05/1945 Minsk
Johanna Archenhold 11/09/1887 08/05/1945 Minsk
Siegmund Archenhold 06/11/1880 08/05/1945 Minsk
Julius Archenhold 10/01/1885 01/09/1942 Kulmhof/Chelmno
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