List of Victims

3371 Total entries

Vorname Name Geburtsdatum Todesdatum Todesort
Moses Löwenthal 07/02/2025 - Treblinka
Fritz Levi Löwenthal 07/02/2025 07/02/2025 Ghetto Łódź
Edel Clara Löwenthal 08/06/1932 01/09/1942 Kulmhof/Chelmno
Gerd Löwenthal 07/02/2025 07/02/2025 Auschwitz
Ludwig Löwenthal 10/10/1896 01/01/1942 Kulmhof/Chelmno
Rosa Löwenthal 07/02/2025 07/02/2025 Kulmhof/Chelmno
Manfred Moritz Löwenthal 16/06/1935 01/09/1942 Kulmhof/Chelmno
Ruth Löwenthal 07/02/2025 - verschollen
Max Löwenthal 07/02/2025 07/02/2025 Auschwitz
Flora Löwenthal 07/02/2025 07/02/2025 Kulmhof/Chelmno
Louise Löwy 07/02/2025 07/02/2025 Theresienstadt
Abraham Jakob Lubnicki 26/03/1924 31/08/1940 Atlantik
Jakob Lubnicki 28/06/1918 19/03/1942 Bernburg
Herz Lubnicki 02/09/1894 25/01/1940 KZ Sachsenhausen
Eduard Lucas 22/06/1895 28/02/1944 Meseritz-Obrawalde
Hildegard Lück 27/08/1899 12/05/1941 Hadamar
Barbara Luczak 07/02/2025 07/02/2025 Wuppertal
Ewald Luenenschloss 21/12/1895 25/08/1944 Chateau de l’orme-Billy
Moses Luft 05/07/1907 08/07/1944 Portes de Valence
Taisa Lugawa 07/02/2025 07/02/2025 Wuppertal
Nastja Lugina - 07/02/2025 Wuppertal
Michael Lukaschewitsch 07/02/2025 07/02/2025 Wuppertal
Ida Lukij 07/02/2025 - Wuppertal
Anna Lusch 18/12/1878 20/05/1941 Hadamar
Lucien Edmond Lutinier 07/02/2025 07/02/2025 Wuppertal
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