List of Victims

3371 Total entries

Vorname Name Geburtsdatum Todesdatum Todesort
Boris Holoborotko 29/04/1944 08/10/1944 Kolb & Co.
Nadja Holowsko 06/02/2025 06/02/2025 Wuppertal
Eugen Wilhelm Hölscher 03/03/1921 29/11/1943 Plötzensee
Julius Holstein 15/05/1880 12/07/1942 Ghetto Łódź
David Holstein 18/09/1886 27/01/1945 KZ Bergen-Belsen
Rosalie Holstein 18/01/1886 01/09/1942 Kulmhof/Chelmno
Stanislaus Holubezuk 06/02/2025 06/02/2025 Wuppertal
Michael Holubjow - 06/02/2025 Wuppertal
Peter Paul Holz 26/09/1877 20/05/1944 Meseritz-Obrawalde
Hugo Hölzer 16/08/1896 28/04/1945
Gustav Friedrich Honigmann 02/04/1903 18/05/1943 KZ Buchenwald
Hontscharenko 06/02/2025 06/02/2025 Wuppertal
Ronald Hoos - 29/05/1943 Abschuss
Georg Horb - - Wuppertal
Grigor Horb 06/02/2025 06/02/2025 Wuppertal
Wilhelm August Horn 24/04/1904 24/05/1943 KZ Buchenwald
Otto Horn 09/03/1901 08/05/1945 Front
Lucy Horn 06/02/2025 - KZ Stutthof
Berthold Horowitz 06/02/2025 06/02/2025 Sobibor
Margot Horowitz 06/02/2025 06/02/2025 Sobibor
Titus Maria Horten 09/08/1882 25/01/1936 Oldenburg
Susanne Horwitz 06/02/2025 - Ghetto Łódź
Helmut Hösterey 04/10/1914 11/11/1944 Front
Anna Maria Hover 03/06/1888 12/05/1944 Meseritz-Obrawalde
Lotte Hoxter 19/08/1906 25/07/1942 Auschwitz
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