List of Victims

3371 Total entries

Vorname Name Geburtsdatum Todesdatum Todesort
Julia Alice Simon 06/12/1896 16/05/1942 Kulmhof/Chelmno
Ida Simon 18/01/1879 - verschollen
Emma Simon 08/02/2025 08/02/2025 Kulmhof/Chelmno
Berta Simon 09/07/1876 - verschollen
Ruth Simon 08/02/2025 08/02/2025 Kulmhof/Chelmno
Walter Simon 08/02/2025 - verschollen
Ilka Simon 08/02/2025 08/02/2025 Auschwitz
Brunhilde Simon 08/02/2025 - verschollen
Alfred Simon 08/02/2025 - Auschwitz
Ruth Simon 08/02/2025 08/02/2025 Kulmhof/Chelmno
Martin Simon 08/02/2025 - Auschwitz
Arthur Salomon Simon 22/09/1901 30/01/1945 Landshut
Gertrud Julie Simon 08/02/2025 08/02/2025 Kulmhof/Chelmno
Alice Simon 29/03/1904 23/07/1943 Sobibor
Hans Otto Simon 30/01/1898 22/04/1943 KZ Buchenwald
Sophie Simon 08/02/2025 08/02/2025 Theresienstadt
Moses Simon 03/06/1859 23/10/1942 Theresienstadt
Lieselotte Simson 08/02/2025 08/02/2025 Treblinka
Heinrich Singer - 08/02/2025 Zuchthaus Münster
Alexander Siptschenko 08/02/2025 08/02/2025 Wuppertal
Valentina Sisjakina - - Wuppertal
Wassil Sisniwitsch 08/02/2025 08/02/2025 Wuppertal
Natascha Siwak 08/02/2025 08/02/2025 Wuppertal
Schura Siwakos 08/02/2025 08/02/2025 Wuppertal
Anna Siwasch 05/06/1927 28/01/1944 Meseritz-Obrawalde
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